
Beleg #4479

Abb. 6319 - 150 DPI
Abb. 6320 - 150 DPI

Sammlungsschlüssel 32/10/31/2
coll. 2d81
Scientific feather collection Wilfried Hansen. Commercial use permitted under CC BY 4.0 license as long as credit is given to Wilfried Hansen and the Feather Research Group est. 1972
erstellt: 24.09.2019


Längste Armschwinge 0
Längste Steuerfeder 0
Alle Werte
H7 277.0mm
H6 261.0mm
H5 246.0mm
H4 229.5mm
H3 212.5mm
H2 198.0mm
H1 184.0mm