
specimen #3940

afb 5653 - 150 DPI
afb 5654 - 150 DPI
afb 5655 - 0 DPI

ondersoort A. c. sinaica
vondstlocatie Totes Meer
eigenaar van het specimen 35/23/2/2
vondstomstandigheden doodvondst
vondstdatum 01.01.1991
coll. 2d81
Scientific feather collection Wilfried Hansen. Commercial use permitted under CC BY 4.0 license as long as credit is given to Wilfried Hansen and the Feather Research Group est. 1972
aangemaakt: 15.12.2018


langste handpen H6=134,0mm
langste armpen A9=118,0mm
langste staartpen S2=103,0mm
alle waarden

S5 101.0mm
H10 115.5mm
A13 73.5mm
A12 89.0mm
A11 101.0mm
A10 112.0mm
A9 118.0mm
S6 98.5mm
S4 101.5mm
S3 102.5mm
S2 103.0mm
S1 100.0mm
A8 117.5mm
A7 117.5mm
A6 116.0mm
A4 113.5mm
H9 126.5mm
H8 128.5mm
H7 132.0mm
H6 134.0mm
H5 132.5mm
H4 125.0mm
H3 120.5mm
H2 116.0mm
A5 114.5mm
A3 112.0mm
A2 111.0mm
H1 113.5mm
A1 105.0mm