
specimen #3414

img 4956 - 300 DPI

subspecies L. m. koenigi
finding location Fuerteventura (ES)
finding date 07.04.1988
coll. f746
Naumann Museum Koethen, Germany - Coll. Dr. Busching
created: 22.05.2018


longest primary H6=85,0mm
small individual
19% of max range of variation
longest secondary A2=70,5mm
all values

H10 38.0mm
H9 70.0mm
H8 81.0mm
H7 84.0mm
H6 85.0mm
H5 81.0mm
H4 77.5mm
H3 76.5mm
H2 76.0mm
H1 74.0mm
A1 70.0mm
A2 70.5mm
A3 70.0mm
A4 68.5mm
A5 66.5mm
A6 64.0mm
A7 60.5mm
A8 56.0mm
A9 40.0mm
S2 106.5mm
S4 94.5mm
S6 82.5mm