
specimen #4490

img 6336 - 150 DPI
img 6337 - 150 DPI
img 6338 - 150 DPI
img 6339 - 150 DPI
img 6340 - 150 DPI

age / gender 1st cy
finding location Jubani, King-Georg-Island, vor dem Rebugio
specimen key 62/3/18/5
finding circumstances dead find
finding date 06.02.2003
coll. 2d81
Scientific feather collection Wilfried Hansen. Commercial use permitted under CC BY 4.0 license as long as credit is given to Wilfried Hansen and the Feather Research Group est. 1972
created: 24.09.2019


longest retrix 0
all values

H5 265.5mm
H4 241.5mm
H3 226.0mm
H2 211.5mm
H1 196.0mm
A1 189.0mm
A2 187.0mm
A3 184.5mm
A4 177.0mm
A5 173.5mm
A6 174.5mm
A7 173.0mm
A8 172.0mm
A9 169.0mm
A10 173.5mm
A11 173.5mm
A12 176.5mm
A13 173.0mm
A14 176.5mm
A15 177.5mm
A16 179.0mm
A17 180.5mm
A18 179.0mm