
specimen #9441

img 15379 - 300 DPI

subspecies C. c. halimodendri
age / gender 2nd cy
finding location Birlik, Kazakhstan
finding circumstances plucked feathers
finding date 29.04.2022
coll. c9e3
Collection in France
created: 18.09.2023

species identification

Presumed halimodendri subspecies. Blythii subspecies cannot be excluded with certainty.


longest primary H7=54,0mm
big individual
86% of max range of variation
longest secondary A1=48,5mm
longest retrix S3=60,0mm
small individual
30% of max range of variation
all values

H9 47.0mm
H8 53.0mm
H7 54.0mm
H6 54.0mm
H5 53.5mm
H4 51.5mm
H3 51.0mm
H2 51.0mm
H1 51.0mm
A1 48.5mm
A2 48.5mm
A3 47.5mm
A4 46.0mm
A5 44.5mm
A6 42.5mm
A7 43.0mm
A8 36.0mm
A9 27.0mm
S1 58.5mm
S2 57.5mm
S3 60.0mm
S4 60.0mm
S5 60.0mm
S6 58.5mm