
specimen #7434

img 12656 - 300 DPI

subspecies E. s. pyrrhulina
age / gender male
finding location Notsuke Peninsula, Hokkaido
finding date 20.05.2016
coll. bf71
Collection in Japan
created: 16.08.2021

species identification

ssp. pyrrhulina


longest primary H5=71,0mm
big individual
89% of max range of variation
longest secondary A1=60,0mm
all values

H10 8.5mm
H9 64.0mm
H8 68.0mm
H7 70.0mm
H6 70.0mm
H5 71.0mm
H4 66.5mm
H3 64.0mm
H2 63.0mm
H1 62.0mm
A1 60.0mm
A2 60.0mm
A3 59.5mm
A4 58.0mm
A5 56.5mm
A6 54.5mm
A7 53.5mm
A8 47.0mm
A9 37.0mm
S1 66.5mm