
specimen #3385

img 4927 - 300 DPI

subspecies G. g. brandtii
finding location Wladiwosktok
specimen key 4761/2009
finding circumstances plucked feathers
finding date 15.02.2009
coll. f746
Naumann Museum Koethen, Germany - Coll. Dr. Busching
created: 17.05.2018


longest primary H5=162,0mm
average individual
55% of max range of variation
longest secondary A1=138,0mm
all values

H8 143.5mm
H7 154.0mm
H6 161.0mm
H5 162.0mm
H4 159.5mm
H3 153.5mm
H2 144.0mm
H1 140.0mm
A1 138.0mm
A2 134.5mm
A3 130.0mm
A4 127.5mm
A5 123.0mm
A6 116.5mm
A7 109.0mm
A8 94.5mm
A9 69.5mm