
specimen #9660

img 15614 - 300 DPI
img 15613 - 300 DPI

Hornbills, hoopoe and wood hoopoes

Upupidae Upupa
Eurasian Hoopoe (Upupa epops)

subspecies U. e. epops (nominate subspecies)
age / gender ad.
finding location Morro Jable, Fuerteventura
finding circumstances traffic victim
finding date 13.03.2020
coll. 4jvh
created: 09.01.2024


longest primary H5=118,5mm
smallest individual in collection
lower bound of range o variation
longest secondary A1=101,0mm
all values

H8 112.0mm
A4 95.0mm
A3 100.0mm
A2 100.0mm
A1 101.0mm
H1 103.5mm
H2 104.5mm
H3 107.0mm
H4 114.0mm
H5 118.5mm
H6 118.5mm
H7 116.0mm
A5 91.5mm
H9 95.0mm
H10 47.0mm
A6 86.5mm
A7 78.5mm
A8 68.0mm
A9 42.5mm
A10 26.0mm
S2 102.0mm
S3 102.0mm
S4 103.0mm
S5 102.5mm