
specimen #2933

img 4299 - 300 DPI

Swifts and hummingbirds

Apodidae Apus
Common Swift (Apus apus)

subspecies A. a. pekinensis
finding location Choibalsan (Mongolei)
specimen key 1493/2008
finding circumstances dead find
finding date 04.06.2008
coll. f746
Naumann Museum Koethen, Germany - Coll. Dr. Busching
created: 19.02.2018


longest primary H9=143,0mm
average individual
57% of max range of variation
longest secondary A6=45,0mm
longest retrix S5=84,5mm
average individual
54% of max range of variation
all values

A3 43.0mm
S5 84.5mm
S4 76.5mm
S3 66.0mm
S2 57.5mm
S1 51.0mm
A9 19.5mm
A8 30.0mm
A7 40.0mm
A6 45.0mm
A5 45.0mm
A4 44.0mm
H10 134.5mm
A2 41.5mm
A1 43.5mm
H1 51.5mm
H2 61.0mm
H3 71.0mm
H4 83.5mm
H5 98.5mm
H6 111.5mm
H7 125.5mm
H8 138.0mm
H9 143.0mm