
specimen #1092

img 1521 - 300 DPI
img 1520 - 300 DPI
img 16570 - 600 DPI

Hornbills, hoopoe and wood hoopoes

Upupidae Upupa
Eurasian Hoopoe (Upupa epops)

subspecies U. e. epops (nominate subspecies)
age / gender ad.
finding circumstances breed bird
finding date 2014
coll. 411t
created: 16.12.2014


longest primary H6=120,5mm
small individual
14% of max range of variation
longest secondary A1=98,0mm
longest retrix S3=101,0mm
smallest individual in collection
lower bound of range o variation
all values

A3 94.5mm
H9 91.5mm
H8 111.0mm
H7 117.5mm
H6 120.5mm
H5 120.5mm
H4 111.0mm
H3 103.0mm
H2 99.5mm
H1 98.0mm
A1 98.0mm
A2 97.5mm
A4 92.0mm
A5 90.0mm
A6 86.0mm
A7 76.5mm
A8 60.0mm
A9 40.5mm
S1 97.5mm
S2 99.5mm
S3 101.0mm
S4 101.0mm
S5 100.0mm
H10 47.0mm