
specimen #8314

img 13809 - 150 DPI
img 13810 - 150 DPI

subspecies A. a. tobagensis
specimen key 69/61/20/1
finding circumstances breed bird
finding date 1969
coll. 2d81
Scientific feather collection Wilfried Hansen. Commercial use permitted under CC BY 4.0 license as long as credit is given to Wilfried Hansen and the Feather Research Group est. 1972
created: 05.09.2022

species identification

lt. Handbook of the Birds of the World ist die Gültigkeit der vorgeschlagenen Rasse tobagensis höchst zweifelhaft, da die Unterschiede wahrscheinlich auf individuelle Variationen beruhen


longest primary 0
longest secondary A3=126,5mm
longest retrix S3=114,5mm
all values

A1 122.5mm
A2 126.0mm
A3 126.5mm
A4 125.0mm
A5 121.5mm
A6 119.0mm
A7 119.0mm
A8 119.5mm
A9 123.0mm
A10 120.5mm
A11 112.5mm
A12 91.5mm
A13 61.0mm
S1 113.5mm
S2 113.0mm
S3 114.5mm
S4 110.5mm
S5 110.0mm
S6 110.5mm